Wednesday, June 11, 2008
hearing postponed

Use of cell phones for long durations seems to affect the hearing efficiency and ability to discriminate certain sounds. This is said to be the effect of high frequency audio waves. The ear is getting bombarded constantly and that would make the ears lose their natural abilities. We know that sound is a cause for certain mental problems and the environmental effect of sound is well known.
There is no need for sci-fi to create new and strange animals-in some fifty years every American would look like one such creature, if things go on this way. He may have a robot to guide him and drive him about. Nature never forgives. Emerson had seen only the calculators, when he commented:
Nature hates calculators - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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OIl, OIl Everywhere

Crude oil prices should remain well above $100 a barrel through 2009, says Guy Caruso, head of the department's Energy Information Administration.
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crime beat

Car Bait Program Goes Awry as Thief Steals Car, Kills Woman
Pending an Investigation, Dallas Police Have Suspended the Bait Car Program
June 5, 2008
Dallas police halted a highly successful vehicle theft decoy car program after a car they were monitoring crashed into another automobile and killed an 83-year-old driver.
According to authorities, 28-year-old Eddie Ramirez stole a bait car, which, rigged with a hidden camera and tracking equipment, was designed to be stolen. As part of the theft program, rigged vehicles are placed in high crime areas, with the the doors unlocked and the keys inside. Once inside, crooks are caught on tape, officers kill the car's engine and sometimes lock the doors.
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travel nooks

Elite retreats of the well-off and well-known
Where the world's influential celebrities go for some rest and relaxation

If you're one of the most influential celebrities in the world, you have more than a few options when it comes to traveling. Like the rest of us, some A-listers have a tried-and-true vacation spot, while others prefer to explore new parts of the world every chance they get. The upside to having a mansion at your disposal in Maui — like Oprah — is that the entire place has been outfitted to accommodate your personal needs. Every time you visit, it takes less time to settle in and relax.
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5 Healthiest Anti-Aging Snacks Posted Mon, Jun 09, 2008, 2:24 am PDT

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Adult Toy

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A million pieces of stainless steel toy parts assembled into a nearly seven-story model skyscraper glimmered under the hot sun in New York on Tuesday, in American artist Chris Burden's latest project.
The 16,000-pound (7,250-kg) "poetic interpretation" of the 30 Rock Building at Rockefeller Center was made of replicated Erector set pieces from the toy created by A.C. Gilbert in 1912, Burden said.
"He was inspired by the buildings to build this toy system and I used this toy system to build a building," Burden said.
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Monday, June 9, 2008
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder,


Famed prosecutor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Vincent Bugliosi has written the most powerful, explosive, and thought-provoking book of his storied career. As a prosecutor dedicated to seeking justice, he delivers a non-partisan argument, free from party lines, based upon hard facts and pure objectivity. More
In The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, Bugliosi presents a tight, meticulously researched legal case that puts George W. Bush on trial in an American courtroom for the murder of nearly 4,000 American soldiers fighting in Iraq. Watch this video interview to learn why he believes we must bring those responsible for the war in Iraq to justice. More

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Sunday, June 8, 2008
When in need Eat

God is great, God is good. Let us thank him for our food. By his hand, we are fed, Give us, Lord, our daily bread. Amen
Wasting food is the eighth sin

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art and atrificial

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palo alto olympics

Olympic Hopeful Is Facing Some Tough Choices

The Stanford swimmer Ben Wildman-Tobriner won the 50-meter freestyle at the world championships last year in Australia.
PALO ALTO, Calif. — At last year's world championships in Australia, nobody was faster than Ben Wildman-Tobriner, who won the 50-meter freestyle. So why is it that he spends his days at the pool feeling as if he is not moving at all?
Blame life's crazy crosscurrents. Aspiring to be a doctor and an Olympian, Wildman-Tobriner is being pulled by two powerful desires: medical school and a medal.
His challenge this month is to avoid being dragged under by deadlines. June is when he is supposed to decide whether to enroll in classes this fall. It is also when the cut-down process starts for selecting the United Career fair - Jobs galoreStates swim team that will compete in the Beijing Games.
creatures of habit

Cellphone Tracking Study Shows We're Creatures of Habit
New research that makes creative use of sensitive location-tracking data from 100,000 cellphones in Europe suggests that most people can be found in one of just a few locations at any time, and that they do not generally go far from home.
"Individuals display significant regularity, because they return to a few highly frequented locations, such as home or work," the researchers found.
That might seem like science and mountains of data being marshaled to prove the obvious. But the researchers say their work, which also shows that people exhibit similar patterns whether they travel long distances or short ones, could open new frontiers in fields like disease tracking and urban planning.
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
drawing delight for everyone

It's 2008 Drawing Day - Drop everything and Draw!
If you've just learned about our event, it's simple... All you have to do is submit drawings at any of the art communities listed on our website on June 7. Some communities are running weekend long events so don't worry if you miss this day! Also be sure to join our Facebook Group, Flickr Group

Charminar Express
the birth of infosys

(Interview Transcript)

Charminar Express
conquering tanla

Tanla Solutions buys Openbit for $18.6 m
Posted online: Friday , June 06, 2008 at 0008 hrs IST
"Openbit gives us an opportunity to serve more customers in the international Markets, and fortifies Tanla as a leading mobile solutions organisation, in line with its vision to become a global end-to-end applications and solutions provider. We hope to integrate our operations at the earliest to benefit from the tremendous synergies available to us," he said.
Charminar Express