Saturday, May 10, 2008
Shark attack-AU

Shark attack beach remains closed
May 11, 2008 11:10am
A WEST Australian south coast beach remains closed and searchers continue to patrol the waters after a swimmer was attacked by a shark and white pointers remain close to shore.
A journey through cossmotology

Cosmetics with a Conscience |
Lola founder Victoria Jackson has a simple philosophy: makeup empowers women |

Apr 11, 2008
In 2001 I launched Lola - an acronym for Lust Often Love Always. It's my mission to help women change their outlook on beauty. My goal is to demonstrate the power of makeup: when you look better, you feel better, and when you feel better you can change your life.
India behind food prices-Bush?

''I've seen the press reports about this particular reaction. And certainly nobody in the US is trying to single out government or is expressing the sentiment that it is not a good thing that there's greater calorie intake among more people around the world than ever before. That is a positive thing,'' McCormack said in his briefing

Whooping Cough Outbreak At West CoCo School
pizza making made easy

Easy Steps to the Perfect Pizza From Scratch
gettig better

iran, us, relationship

Advice for What the Next U.S. President Should Do About Iran
By Michael Axworthy
Mr. Axworthy is the author of the just published book, A History of Iran: Empire of the Mind (Basic Books).
The only way to be sure of preventing Iran's acquiring a nuclear weapon capability is to reject those calling for military action--and to negotiate a comprehensive settlement of all outstanding disputes between Iran and the USA, such that both sides can resume normal relations on a basis of mutual respect at least, and friendship if possible.
The Royal House marriage?

Bush tries on new role: Father of the bride
CNN White House Correspondent
(CNN) -- President Bush briefly previewed the new role he'll be taking on Saturday: father of the bride.

a dispatch to birth-control patch

A consumer advocacy group urges the U.S. government to pull Johnson & Johnson's Ortho-Evra patch from the market after studies show it could increase the risk of dangerous blood clots.
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