Saturday, July 19, 2008
Learn home green techniques

10 Ways to Green Your Home

Just because you're concerned about climate change doesn't mean you have to live in a yurt in outer Mongolia. You can be passionate about the environment, without strapping yourself to a whaling ship or using yourself as a human shield against bulldozers that mow down old-growth trees. All it takes are a few smart, fuss-free choices to make the change you wish to see in the world, while rejuvenating your body, home, and planet at the same time. Choosing green might even save you some green in the process. Our list is by no means exhaustive, but it's a righteous start. -Jasmin Malik Chua
Find waves

be healthy

Germ warfare moves to the gym
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Our visits to the gym seem to be a lot more dangerous lately. Forget battling only boredom and feeling the pain. Now the fight is us against them -- and the enemy is germs.

To properly fight back you need a three-tiered approach, or so says extra-fit YMCA Group Vice President Kristin McEwen. "The time to de-germ and get yourself primed to fight off gym germs is actually before you work out."
News of MSRA spreading at gyms apparently has taken gym-germ fighting up a notch. More gyms are offering up lots of hand sanitizer, Adams notes, although not all do as much as he wishes they would.
These extra measures add a little more time and effort to her workout, but McEwen believes it's just one more aspect to keeping healthy -- which is, after all, the reason she works out in the first place.