in lime light today: be healthy

Saturday, July 19, 2008

be healthy


clipped from

Germ warfare moves to the gym

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Our visits to the gym seem to be a lot more dangerous lately. Forget battling only boredom and feeling the pain. Now the fight is us against them -- and the enemy is germs.

With large numbers of people sharing  equipment, mats, lockers and showers,  germs travel far and wide in gyms.

To properly fight back you need a three-tiered approach, or so says extra-fit YMCA Group Vice President Kristin McEwen. "The time to de-germ and get yourself primed to fight off gym germs is actually before you work out."

News of MSRA spreading at gyms apparently has taken gym-germ fighting up a notch. More gyms are offering up lots of hand sanitizer, Adams notes, although not all do as much as he wishes they would.

These extra measures add a little more time and effort to her workout, but McEwen believes it's just one more aspect to keeping healthy -- which is, after all, the reason she works out in the first place.

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