in lime light today: hearing postponed

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

hearing postponed


 clipped from
Ear Damage - Cell Phone Culture


To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug

Use of cell phones for long durations seems to affect the hearing efficiency and ability to discriminate certain sounds. This is said to be the effect of high frequency audio waves. The ear is getting bombarded constantly and that would make the ears lose their natural abilities. We know that sound is a cause for certain mental problems and the environmental effect of sound is well known.

 New American                         New American                         ImageShack

There is no need for sci-fi to create new and strange animals-in some fifty years every American would look like one such creature, if things go on this way. He may have a robot to guide him and drive him about.  Nature never forgives.  Emerson had seen only the calculators, when he commented:

Nature hates calculators - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Career fair - Jobs galore
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in lime light today © Pilo Gui