in lime light today: Moth problem

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Moth problem


check your produce

clipped from

Gardeners: Are you in the quarantine zone?

Summer gardens are heading into their peak producing weeks, and it's a time-honored rite of the season to share and swap the bounty with neighbors, friends, family and co-workers.

But before you load up that basket of fresh-picked tomatoes, peppers and zucchini, and before you cut a bouquet of flowers to take to your mom, check out the latest version of the county's light brown apple moth quarantine map. Lines have recently been redrawn to include even more of Santa Clara County in an effort to curb the spread of this relatively new and voracious pest.

Just not now. Not if you live in the zone.

nosle gardening

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in lime light today © Pilo Gui